Book your seat at a Hunch Lunch

Want to expand your imagination, to think about different ideas and topics, to meet fun people and have lively conversation about something other than work?

We’ve got 4 hunch lunches planned. James Bryant will be hosting them and you will bring the magic. It’s going to be fun, engaging and designed to get you out of a thinking rut.

What happens at a hunch lunch? Well, 6 people have lunch together.

You are required to bring at least 1 hunch you have. It could be about anything, from the weather, to breakfast cereal to astrophysics. During the lunch you share your hunch with the room. Explaining why you arrived at the hunch. The rest of the room will discuss the hunch either Confirming or Complicating the hunch by discussing it.

It’s not about being right, or wrong, it’s about exploring ideas and having fun.

Spaces are limited to 6 people per lunch. Your lunch is provided with the $20 booking fee.

We cater so you don’t have to bring your own food or buy your own (which could cause you to be late).